Marshall Ramsey Speaks at the Overby Center

Marshall Ramsey, an award-winning cartoonist, spoke to Ole Miss students this past Tuesday. Ramsey is currently a cartoonist for The Clarion Ledger in Jackson, Miss. A two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist, Ramsey’s work has appeared in USA Today and The New York Times.

Ramsey attended the University of Tennessee where he worked at the student newspaper, The Daily Beacon for five years. It is here where Ramsey learned the discipline for his profession. After graduating from the University of Tennessee, Ramsey became a janitor at Pope High School in Marietta, Ga. This is when Ramsey stopped drawing for six months. Ramsey eventually landed a position at the local paper as an advertising artist. Then, Ramsey was able to establish himself as one of the best cartoonists in America.

I thought Ramsey was an excellent speaker. Ramsey’s energy and humor engaged the audience. All of Ramsey’s work was colorful and witty. I enjoyed hearing Ramsey talk about his work and what motivated each cartoon. In addition, it was interesting to hear how his drawings infuriated many people. “When people disagree with me I take it with grain assault,” said Ramsey. When it comes down to picking a target, Ramsey claims he tries to make fun of people equally.

Many cartoonists face scrutiny. The recent incident in Paris serves as an example of how cartoonist can impact individuals and even the world. “When drawing cartoons it is about being right,” said Ramsey. There are repercussions for every action.

The story of Marshall Ramsey’s success shows hard work will pay off. Ramsey told students, “It is all about the attitude.” As journalism progresses, developing a personal brand is very important. When people see your name they know what your stand for. Ramsey claims when people create something interesting and entertaining, people are going to see and look and it. Ramsey emphasized how the lowest points in his life ended up being the best moments. I took that statement into consideration. Perseverance is key.

Hearing Ramsey speak made me want to get in touch with my creative side. I learned a lot from Ramsey especially since I am unfamiliar with his field of work. I need and want to establish a brand for myself. This will become helpful when entering the working world this May.